Money Views and Values
Reflect on what is important about money to you and those around you.

20 minutes

Money Mindset Steps
We might all have different perspectives about money and what makes it important to us. We are going to reflect on why moneyis important to us, our families, and our communities.
Individually, write down on a piece of paper answers to each of these questions. Try answering using only 3-5 words:
- What’s important about money to my friends?
- What’s important about money to my family?
- What’s important about money to my community?
- What’s important about money to me? (Example: Security, choice, wellness)
Ask for volunteers to share with the group. (Use the coachingquestions below to inspire more discussion with the group.)

Coaching Questions:
What’s similar and different between what each group thinks is important when it comes to money?
How do other people’s opinions influence what you think is important about money?

Helpful Hints:
How we spend our money is often an expression of what’s important to us. This also might change over time.
As a facilitator, be prepared to share your own answers as an example for 1 or 2 questions with the group before asking them to start writing.