New, Thrift, or Gift
Consider where items on your wish list might come from to open more possibilities.

20 minutes

Money Mindset Steps
Brainstorm a list of items that are on your spending orshopping wish list. This might include: kitchen items, a newbedspread, or toys for your children.
Make three circles labeled “new,” “thrift,” and “gift.” What arethe items that you want to buy new? What items could youget used at thrift store or yard sale? What items might youwant to ask for as a gift? (Use the coaching questions tofacilitate more discussion.)

Coaching Questions:
- How did you decide which items to buy new, thrift, or gift?
- What is one of the best things you have ever found at a thrift store or yard sale?
- What tips do you have when buying something new, thrifting, or gifting?

Helpful Hints:
Prompt for examples of non-material gifts (such as, laundry pass, or dinner dishes pass) if not mentioned.